Bachelor of Science In Security & Defense Policy

“这个项目立即把我带入了国家安全的世界,让我清楚地知道,要在这个领域取得成功,我需要做些什么," said Sarah Caron ‘20. "The experiences I have had reaffirmed my decision to study here."

Defend and Protect Our Way of Life

国家安全的概念是一个历史概念,它的起源可以追溯到17世纪th 世纪和威斯特伐利亚和约,建立了主权民族国家. 在当今时代,国家安全的目的是确保一个国家的安全和防御. 中国还致力于维护以规则为基础的国际秩序,促进全球安全, prosperity, and human rights.

The University of New Haven’s B.S. in Security & Defense Policy degree provides students with the knowledge, skills, and insight needed to combat threats to the nation’s physical, economic, and human security. 该计划将为学生准备一个令人兴奋和有益的职业生涯在国家安全, diplomacy, and intelligence fields in both the public and private sectors. In fact, 网赌上分平台在培养成功职业所需技能方面是公认的领导者.

  • In the public sector, 你的机会包括与中央情报局等联邦机构合作, the FBI, the NSA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. On the international stage, you could work with The United Nations and its associated institutions, plus many other organizations or agencies.
  • In the private domain, your career could involve international business, trade and banking, supporting physical and cyber security operations, human rights organizations, and everything in between that has the potential, intent, or capacity to impact the nation, our citizens, our institutions, and our economic viability.
What to do with a Security & Defense degree

This degree opens up a wide range of career fields, including intelligence analysis, legal practice, military service, and diplomacy.

With our B.S. in Security & Defense Policy in hand, 你将有资格在上述所有领域担任一般国家安全从业人员. Throughout the four years of your preparation for this field, you will:

  • 了解网络冲突和破坏的动态, international law and lawfare, and the nation’s domestic security structure. 你将发展必要的技能,以应对可能在内部或外部挑战我们的后方和生存的实体.
  • 通过多个学期的俄语学习,培养对国际社会的文化理解和外语能力, Chinese, Arabic, or in any one of the other languages we offer.
  • 出国留学,在普拉托校区扩展语言和文化深度, Italy, at Saxion University in The Netherlands, and through other international study opportunities.
  • Gain analytical skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving, incident mapping, data mining, data analysis, intelligence reporting, economic fundamentals, and the inner workings of governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Engage in an intensive internship experience. There is no substitute for time spent in the real world before graduation. 这种宝贵的专业实践准备确保你毕业后准备好为你的雇主和国家做出重大贡献.

Envision Your Future

下面的信息旨在展示你可以从事的许多职业. The research is provided by Encoura, 领先的研究和咨询公司专注于高等教育. 它包括全国工资中位数和未来十年的行业增长预测. Click here to view the full report.


Political Scientists

5% Growth 2021-2030


Information Security Analysts

23% Growth 2021-2030


Financial Investment Analysts

8% Growth 2021-2030

Selected Courses and Programs

Learn from professors who are dedicated to your success.

我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和创新者,带来了深厚的专业经验 and academic rigor to the classroom.

Charger Advantage


Nationally Recognized Center for Career Development

所有网赌上分平台的学生都可以使用学校的许多资源 Career Development Center, which has been named one of the best in the nation by The Princeton Review.

From career assessments, networking, and job shadowing to on-campus interviews and salary negotiation, 职业发展中心提供技能和人脉,帮助你找到有意义的职业,并为你提供追求激情的机会.

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Next Steps
  • 不管你是在读高中还是刚从另一所大学转过来, 我们为来自美国国内的本科生提供全职和兼职的机会.S. and abroad. 录取过程可以在你高中三年级结束时开始.

    The Application Process

  • We offer a comprehensive financial aid program, with students receiving assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, student loans, and part-time employment. Funds are available from federal and state governments, private sponsors, and from university resources. 超过85%的大学全日制本科生获得某种形式的经济援助.

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