
Immersive Program Enables Undergraduate Students to Design and Conduct 研究 Projects

More than a dozen students took part in the University’s Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship program, 进行有影响力的教师指导的研究, 获得实践经验, 并向大学社区展示他们的作品.


作者:Renee Chmiel,营销与传播办公室

冲浪 enables undergraduate students to design and conduct their own research projects.

25岁的‘ Khan梦想成为一名医生. 作为一个 化学专业网赌上分平台, 他已经在进行重要的研究, 他希望, 会对癌症患者的生活产生影响吗.

作为大学的一员 暑期本科生研究奖学金(冲浪)项目, Khan spent part of his summer in the laboratory conducting his own research using state-of-the-art equipment. 这个项目使他能够在导师的指导下工作, 孙浩博士.D.

Khan’s research focused on developing nanoparticles that would only target cancerous cells in a patient’s body. 他希望这将有助于减少副作用, 比如脱发, of current treatments – including chemotherapy – that kill both cancerous cells and healthy cells.

In the laboratory, Khan endeavored to develop polydopamine-coated glycogen nanoparticles. 糖原, 他解释说, 是无毒和可生物降解的-因此, 他提出,这将是一个更安全的选择. His results were encouraging: Khan found that the synthetic development of this nanoparticle was, 事实上, 有前途的.

“The hope is that this would kill the cancerous cells and they wouldn’t grow again,” 他解释说 while presenting his work to members of the University community. “这对我来说是一个很好的机会. 使用光热照相机很酷. Finding the right temperature to kill cancer cells was very exciting.”

25岁的‘ Khan向大学社区展示了他的发现.
25岁的‘ Khan向大学社区展示了他的发现.

汗是参加这次活动的十几名学生之一 大学2023 冲浪项目. They recently presented their projects to the University community. The program included students of a variety of majors who chose topics ranging from a study of TikTok’s online book community to the forensic examination of soils.

The immersive program enables Chargers to develop as researchers and scholars, designing and conducing their own projects and exploring all levels and aspects of the research process.

24岁的莉莉·沃尔什(Lily Walsh)说,这些学习机会是无价的. 她曾和导师一起做研究助理, 阿莫里·卡尔博士.D.在开始她的冲浪项目之前,她在那里呆了一年. She was able to draw on the skills she’d already developed as a researcher while working on her project. 冲浪, 她说, gave her the chance to develop the skills and confidence to be more independent with her research.

25岁的‘ Khan(最右). 孙浩实验室.
25岁的‘ Khan(最右). 孙浩实验室.

“我在研究过程中有过零星的经历, 但是完成整个项目非常重要,沃尔什解释道。, a 心理学专业. “我学会了适应和灵活.”

Walsh’s research focused on the role of family violence in childhood on criminal-thinking styles in adulthood. 因为她准备在学期末完成她的学位, she’s exploring research positions as well as advanced degree programs. 她相信她的冲浪经历会为她打开大门.

“展示我的研究成果是一次很棒的经历,”她说. “我很感激整个冲浪项目. It’s rare for undergraduates to get to do a full research experience, 我很高兴我有这个机会.”


作为他们演讲的一部分, 学生们讨论了他们的研究过程, 以及他们的目标和目的. They also shared the challenges they faced, how they addressed them. They also explained their findings and discussed what they learned from taking part in the program. Some also said they were planning to publish their findings in academic journals, 在会议上展示他们的工作, 继续他们的研究.

“It’s clear these researchers are resilient and excellent at handling challenges,” said 朱迪·兰迪,艾德.D.他是冲浪项目的负责人. “我为他们感到骄傲. 这些演讲都是专业水平的.”


The opportunity to conduct this research under the mentorship of faculty enabled students to have support while they learned how to navigate challenges, 以及研究过程本身. 24岁的布莱恩·卡达沃斯说 遗传与生物技术专业是冲浪的关键组成部分.

卡达沃斯与导师一起工作, 钟琪博士.D., 王舒博士.D., as he examined the toxicity of methylamine (a derivative of ammonia) salts on mammalian cells. He says his mentors brought different backgrounds and perspectives – chemistry and biomedical, 分别到实验室, 他很欣赏.

While monitoring the cells, Cadavos saw the effect of methylamine salts after the first day. He saw how some cells grew and changed, he noticed cell degradation. 在很多方面,他的发现让他感到惊讶.

“That got me to where I experienced the ‘wow’ factor,” recalls Cadavos with a smile. “Working with my mentors was different from working in a lab as part of a class where there are other people. This was one-on-one, I value that a lot because I work better that way. I learned so much from my mentors that will be applicable to my future.”

‘, the 化学专业 whose research focused on improving cancer treatment, says 冲浪 was a great start to his career in research and in medicine. It brought many new and exciting experiences for him that he’s looking forward to continuing to draw on.

“Considering how treatments for the heart are more advanced than cancer treatment, 这还在折磨病人吗, 这是一个伟大的第一次实验,他说. “这太神奇了。. It will have a big impact on me before I become a doctor treating patients of my own.”