
New MHA Grad: 'My Internship Experience Has Helped Me Develop Important Professional Skills'

Through my internship with 耶鲁大学纽黑文医学院, 我和我的导师合作, 网赌上分平台的校友, to help make changes to an important 程序 that have already made a meaningful difference.


Gabriel Caldato Barsotti, 23mha

Gabriel Caldato Barsotti, 23岁
Gabriel Caldato Barsotti, 23岁

我有机会在 耶鲁大学纽黑文医学院 as a project manager for the Home Hospital Department. The goal of the Home Hospital 程序 is to provide patients with high-quality hospital-level care in the comfort of their homes, using a range of devices including a computer tablet for video visits with nurses and physicians, a telephone for direct contact with the care team, 个人应急手环, 生命体征监测设备, 还有备用电源. This innovative 程序 allows patients to receive hospital-level care at home.

实习期间, I worked closely with Rachel Hotkowski ’19 MHA, who mentored me throughout the entire period. 瑞秋在YNHH的经历以及作为 大学的校友 guided me and let me absorb the most from the internship experience.

在一起, we focused on reducing the "Missed Opportunity Admission" rate, which occurs when a patient qualifies for transfer from the emergency department to their home, but the transfer does not happen for operational reasons.

为了解决这个问题, we identified the bottlenecks that were causing the missed opportunities, 跟踪和分析数据, and proposed solutions to improve the process. We discovered that part of the problem was related to the third party's capacity to provide some services, such as no capability to cover all necessary visits and logistic issues with the transportation of patients and medical equipment.

在分析了最初的数字之后, we worked with our partners to find solutions for the bottlenecks, which included increasing the number of available ambulances, 调整护士的日程安排, and making them available for more visits, and re-adjusting the medical equipment workflow.

作为这些变化的结果, the Home Hospital 程序 was able to significantly reduce the missed-admission opportunities, dropping from 62 percent in February to 42 percent in March, and currently operating at under 10 percent.

整体, my internship experience has helped me to develop important professional skills, 包括沟通, 团队合作, 领导, 批判性思维, which are all essential for success in healthcare management.

Gabriel Caldato Barsotti, 23岁 is a new graduate of the University’s 医疗管理硕士 程序.