

One of the University’s most popular summer programs for high school students, the 犯罪现场调查学院 enables those interested in a career in 刑事司法, 调查, and/or 法医科学 to gain hands-on experience in the laboratory and while processing and investigating a mock crime scene.


作者:Renee Chmiel,营销与传播办公室


Sofia Astarbi recently led a team of fellow investigators as they processed a crime scene at a house in 西汉文. She guided several of them through the yard as they took photographs of the exterior of the house. Then, inside, donning their lab coats, they began documenting a crime scene in one of the rooms.

Astarbi, 今年谁是高三学生, 是否有亲身参与的机会 网赌上分平台犯罪现场调查学院. 而他们处理的犯罪现场是假的, 他们遵循的程序和使用的工具都是真实的.

“I’m very interested in philosophy and why killers commit the crimes they commit,阿斯塔比解释道, 谁来自斯塔顿岛, NY. “我对犯罪的心理和科学方面很感兴趣. 我很喜欢在实验室里和体液打交道. I’m not yet sure what field I want to work in, and this opens more doors for me.”


Astarbi was one of nearly two dozen students to take part in one of two sessions offered at the 网赌上分平台 this summer. 大学最受欢迎的暑期青年项目之一, the academy provides a unique and immersive experience for students entering grades 10 through 12 during the upcoming academic year.

哈莉·DiGioia, 他是阿斯塔比的同事“调查员”之一,” took several photos of the exterior of the University’s crime scene house, 模拟犯罪现场是在哪里上演的. They included the photos in their presentation to a panel of real investigators – the culminating event of the program.

“I’ve always been interested in 法医科学,” said DiGioia, a native of Wallingford, Conn.她将于今年秋天开始高中最后一年的学习. “We discussed 法医科学 a lot, and I realize I like that more than 刑事司法. 我对心理学方面也很感兴趣,这很有趣.”

Students prepare to process the crime scene in the University’s crime scene house.
Students prepare to process the crime scene in the University’s crime scene house.

As part of the program, students learn about the history of policing and 调查. 他们讨论了美国宪法第四修正案.S. 宪法, exploring what it means for people to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures. 他们还学习如何正确合法地获得搜查令.

学生们合作“申请”搜查令 丹尼尔·麦克斯韦,MPA的杰出讲师 刑事司法 以及康涅狄格州麦迪逊市的一名退休警官.他是该项目的联合指导,并签署了该计划. He hopes students learn about the processes and procedures of crime scene investigation.

“These students are very curious, and they’re learning things very quickly,他说. “他们问了很多好问题. 这个项目对想进入这个领域的学生很有帮助, 有些人也意识到他们不想这样做, 这也是有价值的. It is a lot of fun, and it’s refreshing to see students this young who want to get into this work.”


本周早些时候, 在处理模拟犯罪现场之前, 学生们在实验室里获得了经验, learning about the important work of forensic scientists and preparing them to investigate the mock crime scene. They cast footwear impressions and learned about alternative light sources as well as bagging evidence.

Manuel Villanueva, a member of the police explorers in his hometown of Windsor Locks, Conn.他很高兴能在这个领域获得更多的实践经验. He says the academy offered him opportunities he would not otherwise have been able to have.

“The people at the academy have made an impact in the field – including the professors who have been teaching us,他说. “他们的专业知识非常有帮助. 能做这么多事真是太好了. I think I want to do this type of work, and I want to gain more knowledge now. 这让我对即将发生的事情有所了解.”

学生们在获得教授的搜查令时发誓说真话. 丹尼尔·麦克斯韦.
学生们在获得教授的搜查令时发誓说真话. 丹尼尔·麦克斯韦.

Developed for high school students who are interested in 刑事司法, 调查, and/or 法医科学, the program aims to help them gain a deeper understanding of the reality of crime scene investigation. 学生们了解到这并不像他们在电视上看到的那样.

米卡·姆福科(Micah Mfuko)是康涅狄格州哈姆登(Hamden)一名即将升入高中的三年级学生., it was this hands-on opportunity to learn more about crime scene investigation that attracted him to the program. He particularly enjoyed processing the mock crime scene at the University’s crime scene house.

“我一直对法医学和真实犯罪很感兴趣,”他说. “我很好奇它在现实世界中是如何运作的. 这是非常实际的. 这是我百分之百想做的事情.”

Micah Mfuko拍摄模拟犯罪现场.
Micah Mfuko拍摄模拟犯罪现场.

在节目的最后一天, 学生们把他们在犯罪现场发现的东西拿给父母看, 展示他们在项目中学到的东西. 玛丽亚·托雷.S., a 法医科学 lecturer at the University who co-directs the academy with Prof. 麦克斯韦, says the program offers high school students unique opportunities they would not otherwise have during the summer.


“看到学生们如此感兴趣、如此投入,真是太好了,”她说. “To see them realize how much they’ve learned in just a few days is incredible, 你可以看到这些瞬间. 他们没有意识到他们学到了多少. 这些学生中的许多人将再次做这种工作, 这个项目是一个很好的起点.”

对于digiia来说,这位来自康涅狄格州沃林福德的即将升入高年级的学生., it wasn’t just the opportunity to further explore 法医科学 and crime scene investigation that was so valuable. She was also excited to learn more about the myriad career possibilities in the field – as well as the programs at the 网赌上分平台.

“I’ve always looked at the 网赌上分平台 as a great school for this type of work,”她说。. “这所学院帮助我看到了我想做的事情. 我也对……感兴趣 心理学 我喜欢摄影. 大学里有很多与这些领域相关的课程, 我想去网赌上分平台.”